Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I am a Mom.

I don't remember when I washed my hair last. I had coffee and a rice krispy treat for breakfast. To save money, I am creating a photo studio in my house to take Ashley's Christmas pictures. I think most of what is on TV should not be watched by kids. I pray each night for God to watch over my family. I have a will. I think about life insurance.
I am a Mom.
I dragged my husband, baby and Mom to a farm 40 minutes away for my 2 month old to have the pumpkin patch "experience" (or for really cute pictures). I cry in the shower, alone, because of all my fears. I don't like the mattress at day care because it's not comfortable enough for my child.
I am a Mom.
I don't worry about my next new purse. I don't think about my next new outfit. I want to be a hip, cute mom, but I want my kid to be hipper and cuter. I want my kid to go to college, get a good job, have babies and be happy. I worry about my daughter getting hurt, attacked, molested, mistreated, misunderstood, ridiculed, not liked. I want the world to love her as much as her Daddy and I do.
I am a Mom.
She is perfect. She is special. She is amazing. She is a miracle. She is a blessing. She is smart. She is talented (well, I am sure she will be).
I am a Mom.
She is stressful. She is fussy. She does not sleep through the night. She does not always cooperate. She will fail at some things. She needs us to support her. She needs us to tell her she is good enough. She needs us to protect her. She will not agree with us. She will not like us. We love her madly, fiercely, passionately, unreasonably.
I am a Mom.
My baby has an amazing Dad.
We are parents....and the journey has just begun.

1 comment:

  1. Allison - this is BEAUTIFUL!!! You are such a talented writer!!! I love this so much and Ashley will too some day. It's such a wonderful expression of your love for her. - Stac
