Monday, January 16, 2012

My husband....the blogger?


One night last week I was home late after work. This meant Dad was on the hook for Ashley's 6:30pm rice cereal feeding. When I walked in, I was greeted with the hysterical sight of my husband, bedraggled looking and out of patience. Now, anyone who has ever tried to feed a baby knows it's not always easy. Being that this was his first time, she was giving him a run for his money. The excerpt below is what he e-mailed the next day to family and friends....Enjoy :)

"So we started with Rice cereal over the holidays…. Well to date I have not had to feed her because Mom just loves doing it...Well, that's what I tell myself. I learned that those funny noises and faces mom makes are rather necessary. I always thought they were just foolish. SOO here I go. I put her in the highchair that is a little big for her. She was like a bobble head on a stick. Later I learned that you shove a small blanket down there to offer additional support. Do these things come with owner’s manuals?? So I have my Spackle mixed up to a perfect temperature and consistency. I try to get her to open her mouth and let the war begin...I thought by putting a little on her lips she would taste it and be ready to “NOM NOM” the whole thing down. Well not really. Left hand swipes a gob on her chin and right hand thumb goes in for GOOD. Perplexed, I pause….( this is like mistake 12 for Dad) then her left hand goes into her hair and she starts to laugh at me. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I try to sing “Red Solo Cup” to myself to remain composed. I run for the wash cloth that I always wondered why mom had at feeding time. While there I grabbed a HAT. This way I was not stuck giving her a bath, we simply did not have time for that. So, here is a some shot of my first feeding endeavor. Thankfully, mom arrived shortly after to help clean me, Ashley, the kitchen, her toys, the floor, and her over sized highchair. I will be requesting that she not be required to work late anymore until Ashley eats chicken nuggets."

Hysterical!!...maybe a Daddy survival blog in his future. Till then, I'm stealing his material :) 


1 comment:

  1. Funny, i remember when john used to eat like that. Same perplexed face and all. Sad part is he was 21 with those looks.
