Monday, January 23, 2017

Politics and Boogers

This past year has been especially polarizing for our society. Everyone wants their voice heard and acknowledged. The women's march in Washington DC and across the country has social media all sorts of divided. Seems like you are either on the side of the marchers or you are on the "other side". I happened to read a divisive post on FB that made my blood pressure jump. The sum of the post, like many others I've read, was that the writer stood with the women marching. It went on to state that if you voted for Donald Trump that's on you and then listed some disturbing facts. This was not the first time I've seen this type of post both during the election or after. Here is my plea to women...ALL OF US....A post with your very strong words about where you stand puts others in a difficult position. Your comments about whether or not I voted and for whom or where I stand on world issues is online finger wagging or judging. Either we agree and we rah-rah over FB posts OR we don't. That leaves one of us feeling defensive, shameful and angry.  If you believe that your FB post has changed my heart or my mind you have missed the mark. A divisive social media post does not help me or your cause. I know many people are extremely fearful of what the next four years bring. I am too. Maybe Mr. Trump being elected is the catalyst that will cause seeming thousands of women to stick their heads out of their ostrich holes and look around. This world is a dark place.  I started educating myself about this march and surprisingly the message was a beautiful one:
Women’s rights are human rights, regardless of a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual identity, gender expression, economic status, age or disability. We practice empathy with the intent to learn about the intersecting identities of each other. We will suspend our first judgment and do our best to lead without ego. We follow the principles of Kingian nonviolence, which are defined as follows:
  • Principle 1: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. It is a positive force confronting the forces of injustice and utilizes the righteous indignation and spiritual, emotional, and intellectual capabilities of people as the vital force for change and reconciliation.
  • Principle 2: The Beloved Community is the framework for the future. The nonviolent concept is an overall effort to achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of relationships among people to a height where justice prevails and persons attain their full human potential.
  • Principle 3: Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil. The nonviolent approach helps one analyze the fundamental conditions, policies and practices of the conflict rather than reacting to one’s opponents or their personalities.
  • Principle 4: Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve our goal. Self-chosen suffering is redemptive and helps the movement grow in a spiritual as well as a humanitarian dimension. The moral authority of voluntary suffering for a goal communicates the concern to one’s own friends and community as well as to the opponent.
  • Principle 5: Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence. The nonviolent attitude permeates all aspects of the campaign. It provides a mirror type reflection of the reality of the condition to one’s opponent and the community at large. Specific activities must be designed to maintain a high level of spirit and morale during a nonviolent campaign

Somehow this message has gotten construed on social media. "We will suspend our first judgment and do our best to lead without ego". Huh. Interesting. Somehow the social media message seems to be if I don't agree with the "march", I must agree with Mr. Trumps pussy grab or perhaps I am a racist or I don't agree with gay or lesbian people marrying.  If I didn't take my coveted vacation days from work to march with a vagina hat then I must not be able to raise a strong daughter or that I will teach my son to treat women like animals. The above principles are very clear. BE A POSITIVE FORCE. 
We live in a society of intense and vulgar behavior....from all races, genders, and economic groups. We feel this heightened sense of how important our words are and that YOU SHOULD READ THEM, HEAR THEM AND BY ALL MEANS AGREE WITH THEM. IF NOT you can UNFRIEND ME. #BOOM ... drop the mic. I'm not sure that is what we are after here as a society. 
For all of you who posted about the march, I hope this has enabled you to find your passion for what you believe in. I don't mean the apparent hate for Mr. Trump. If the slogan "LOVE TRUMPS HATE" is true then shaming others, whether intentional or not, is hypocritical. Just because we can say anything we want, doesn't mean we should. What I mean about passion for your believe is that if you marched because you believe that sex trafficking is wrong (I think this is one we can all agree on) then please God join forces with a Church or group working for that cause. Use your time or your resources. Sending a post card to your senator is not what I am talking about. You want to change the world? You want to see change in the world? DO SOMETHING. Please do not march, post for days on FB about the march and links to the march, and do nothing afterward. For those of us either in the dark, undecided, in disagreement or simply uninterested....your actions will speak volumes. Post pictures of your project, your letter writing campaign or information about your cause. I will read it. I will see your vested passion. I will start to ask questions. Then we can come out from behind our computer screens, we can grab coffee and have a discussion. We can be stronger together....but only if we stop the finger wagging and the shaming. Women have enough hurdles in life. Please don't polarize us...I need someone to talk about why my kid eats boogers. Honestly, all of our kids do. Imagine that....all children eat boogers; African American, Caucasian, Asian, European, Arabic, etc......all children eat their boogers. Look, we are unified already no matter who you or I voted for.

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